My Real Strange Dreams Since A Child 1975 To Now

On 3/1992 i have been haven my real strange dream which i can remember it again when i have been sleeped on 11:00 am and waked up on 2:00 pm same day that i have been seen three little greys behind my own behind room's window on second floor of my real own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam. This house have been haven pulled outdoors which have been made iron leafs before an old man 4x self-named second faked Bùi Văn Sữu ( called Thằng Già Phía Sau by strange persons ) have been carried furnitures of my first faked family to house with unofficial address number 406 Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 ) , Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam since 3/2006 until 5/2017 before it have been destroyed by home builder called Hùng with the Central Highlands ethnics red-black colored skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son about 17 years old on 2017 while i still have never accessed into any abandoned haunted house include  15 smoked houses which strange persons have been known and strange persons also have been self-burned their heads or disappeared from my real human spices world when they always access into strange self-burned houses and i still live to now and i always ghosted them for strange persons. Old man 4x self-named second faked Bùi Văn Sữu is not pharmacist who have been come back Vietnam from USA on 2006 ( my first faked family include first faked Bùi Văn Sữu with chinese skin, thin ugly face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes since 1982 until 1995 ( called Thằng Già Sữu Tắt Thuốc by strange persons because he have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on January, 1, Lunar New Year 2021 ) who have been become a pharmacist of Pharmedic Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Conpany that opposite Southern Region Police Ministry on Nguyễn Trãi street, Nguyễn Thái Bình ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam since 1982 to 1996 while my real father ( called Bố in the Northern Vietnamese Language ) named Bùi Văn Sữu ( 02/02/1949 ) with the Northern Vietnamese city skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been become pharmacist of 3/2 Pharmaceutical factory since 1975 - 1982 ( now is 3/2 Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company on Cách Mạng Tháng Tám street, district 10, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam ) at corner of Con Rùa's lake ( now is construction site of An Phong real estate group for some company ) , beside Khăn Quàng Đỏ and Mực Tím newspapers' official headquarter and it opposite HCMC Economic University on Phạm Ngọc Thạch street, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam but my real internal grandfather named my real father is Bùi Anh Kiệt, so my real father named Bùi Văn Sữu for me, then some top secret reason that his real full name have been swapped from Bùi Anh Kiệt into Bùi Văn Sữu and my real full name have been swapped from Bùi Văn Sữu into Bùi Anh Kiệt by military major named Nguyễn Văn Huân in Sài Gòn capital under Việt Nam Republic regime before Southern Vietnam war, my real mother named Trịnh Thiên Duyên ( 16/10/1956 ) with inner Huế city white skin, beautiful round face, fat tall body and she died on my real date of birth ( 16/04/1975 ) at her bedroom inside richest villa on Hồng Thập Tự street, Tân Sơn Hoà's Developed commune, Sài Gòn capital, Viet Nam Republic ( now is Cách Mạng Tháng Tám street, Tân Bình district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Vietnam Socialism Republic ) of my real external grandfather named Trịnh Quang Chước with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes but he died at his villa in California state, USA on 2003 then my real father have been married second wife named Lê ( Đỗ ) Thanh Giang ( 12/02/1950 ) with vietnamese white skin, beautiful face, fat dwarf body and they have been declared my second date of birth ( 29/04/1975 ) at Từ Dũ Maternity Hospital on Cống Quỳnh street, Phạm Ngũ Lão ward and Nguyễn Cư Trinh ward, district 1, Sài Gòn city, Việt Nam but i never smoke anything, i never have any wife and young brother and i always have so many ghost faces since 1975 to now for normal persons by their cameras in my real human world, my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ), my second real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thy ( 13/09/1982 ), my first real external step-grandmother ( 1921 ) named Lê Nữ Hiệp with the Southern Western Vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body from Tầm Vu ( Châu Thành ) market, Bến Lức town, Long An province, Việt Nam who have been owned apartment 209 lot D, Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh City, Việt Nam since 1975 until 1982.

On January, 11, Lunar Calendar 2016 i have been haven my real strange dream which i can remember it again while i have been sleeped overnight and waked up on 3:00 am at strange house of an old man 4x self-called faked Bùi Văn Sữu but he is not pharmacist like as my real father ( called Bố in the Northern Viet Nam region voice language, not like as Ba in the Southern region voice language with Chinese-Vietnamese hybrids, not like as Cha in the Southern - Western region voice language ) with ( faked ) unofficial address number 406 Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam which have been built by home builder called Hùng on 2006 and this house also have been destroyed by his family on 5/2017 before his family have been re-built with address number 406a but new location is not like old location and i never lived at new location since 5/2017 to now and In small kitchen room inside old location beside new location in my real strange dreams that i have been seen an old man 4x called real Trần Văn Đông with the Northern Regions Vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes same with his real sister called Xuyến with the Northern Regions Vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin tall body and his real son about 15 years old on 2015 called Nam with the Northern Regions Vietnamese skin, handsome face, thin dwarf body who have been gone to Phú Nhuận's senior high school on Hoàng Minh Giám street, Phú Nhuận district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam via No.3 bus route ( Thạnh Lộc - Bến Thành ) from his house which beside No.7 Villa ( cement road since 2017 to now ) of customs police captain man 8x called Trung by strange persons with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children from Ba Tri town, Bến Tre province, Việt Nam of Tân Sơn Nhất's airport on Trường Sơn street, Tân Bình district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam who have been haven faked US Dollars money produced machine, young girl about 11 years old on 2015 called Ty with the Northern Regions Vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body who is daughter of an old man called Xuyến and these 4 strange persons have been accessed into some abandoned haunted house on TL 22 street. nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 to now ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam, then an old man named real Trần Văn Đông have been screamed with words such as " Kiệt ơi ! cẩn thận đó Kiệt ! Tụi nó đông lắm ! tụi nó nhỏ xíu à ! chúng xâm lược Trái Đất rồi ! ", then he have been fell down and died like as his family inside lava deep cave hole before i have been seen black devil childs tall about 1 metres, ancient Egypt black skin, thin ugly face, flat triangle eyes without eyelip, so thin long hands, arms, legs and body from curved black UFOs with diameter about 10 metres have been attacked so many strange persons and i have been carried shoulder-fired rocket for shooting into giant curved motherspaceship with diameter about 2 kilometres but i have been felt that i have been fell down by laser light bullet from strange weapon on this giant curved UFO at lava eruption hole on the crater of a giant extinct volcano or some concave surface have been created from some impact event by some meteorite in the past on strange red planet of Andromeda galaxy after i have been waken up on 3:00 am same day inside small room and kitchen beside living room and three small rooms for silk garment products and 32 inches Television of an man 8x called Mập by strange persons ( Nhật ) from Ba Tri town, Bến Tre province, Việt Nam of Hồng Sơn's Outsourcing Garment Sewing and underwear processing facility which have been rent these with 2,000,000₫ Viet Nam Dong price per month since 2009 until 2011 and 2,500,000₫ Viet Nam Dong price per month since 2011 until 2014 and more electrical capacity bill per month of whole tole roof house with unofficial ( faked ) address number 406 Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 to now ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam since 2011 until 31/12/2014 with money of electrical capacity bill for me about 5,00,000₫ Viet Nam Dong or more and whole house since 1/1/2016 until 4/2017 beside Hiệp Thủy's Italy Granite Showroom and my real bed place at this small kitchen room with outdoor via glass and vecni colored iron material which have been separated by wooden planks with rooms with silk garment products of Hồng Sơn's Outsourcing Garment Sewing and underwear processing facility and beside empty land area of an young man called Sang with white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been haven young brother called Danh and his mother called Lựu, they have been known my first faked father named Bùi Văn Sữu ( called Thằng Già Sữu Tắt Thuốc by strange persons ) with chinese skin, handsome face, eyes with two eyelips, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes since 1982 until 1996 and stop smoke cigarettes since 1996 until January, 1, Lunar New Year 2021 which have been built on 3/2006 by home builder called Hùng with the Central Highlands red-black colored skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son about 17 years old on 2017 but it have been destroyed by his family on 5/2017 of an old man 4x self-named faked Bùi Văn Sữu ( called Thằng Già Phía Sau by strange persons ) with ethnics red -black colored ugly face, two ethnics hands without arm hair, white belly, two white legs, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes with Batos brand but he is not a pharmacist because he have been confused my first faked step-mother named Đỗ Thanh Giang ( 12/02/1950 ) with white skin, beautiful face, fat dwarf body who is my real mother but my real mother named Trịnh Thiên Duyên ( 16/10/1956 ) with inner Huế city white skin, beautiful round face, fat tall body who died as i am just borned on 16/04/1975. At this house, i always have been left out this house from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm per day/week since 2014-2/2017 for my free charity vegetarian meals at Hương Từ Bi Free Vegeterian cooked rice's shop with address number 482/12/4 Lê Quang Định street or Từ Bi Free Vegeterian cooked rice's shop inside small alley on Nguyễn Trung Trực street ( Thiên Hộ Dương street ), ward 11 or Free Meals at Bình Thạnh District Red Cross organization under financial support of the Gold Chain Store with Mi Hồng brand on Vũ Tùng street, near Bà Chiểu small market or Ung Bướu Hospital, base no.1 at address number 3 Nơ Trang Long street, Bình Thạnh district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam by mini bicycle of a young gay man 9x named Bùi Văn Khái with the Vietnamese sunlight tanned skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from Năm Căn town, Cà Mau province, Việt Nam who have been appeared at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) at 2nd floor of my real own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam on 1992 and on 2002 ?!, so i still have never cared mystery TL 22 street, nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 to now ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Vietnam and strange persons always access into some abandoned haunted house on this TL 22 street and i still have been used FPT F99 3G featured phone with Blackberry keyboard type, Java OS, ram 256 mb, rom 2gb, 3G data/called sim slot and micro SD 8gb slot with 2,100,000₫ Viet Nam Dong price per one which have been given more Viettel's free 3G data sim with digits number 01659954632 on 2011 with 2,000,000₫ + FPT F9 3G smartphone which using Android 4.0 OS, ram 512 mb, rom 4 gb, front camera 2.0, behind camera 5.0, 3G data/called sin slot and micro SD 8gb slot with 2,650,000₫ Viet Nam Dong price per one which i have been bought at FPT shop in Đà Lạt city on 29/03/2013 after i have been dropped Mobiistar S02i smartphone with Android 4.0 OS, ram 512 mb, rom 4gb, front camera 2.0, behind camera 2.0, 3G data/called sim slot and micro SD 8gb sim slot on my end bed inside Thành Bưởi sleeped buslines ( 25 beds car ) at Di Linh highlands, Bảo Lộc town, Lâm Đồng province, Việt Nam on 6:00 am 29/03/2013 for my real Mt. Langbian peak summit journey with 2,167 metres altitude at Lat commune, Lâm Viên highlands, Lạc Dương town, Lâm Đồng province, Việt Nam and i have been installed on my real Mobiistar S02i and FPT F9 smartphones include Loạn Thành Chiến + Castle Clash 2D RTS online multi-players game of company without Gamota Inc. which have been re-bought this company on 2017 and MU 2,5 D MMORPG online multi-players game, offline games and free navigation maps on Android OS, so i have never used any international smartphone such as Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ekrison, Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi, Pixel of Google or any iPhone of Apple like as strange persons always confused or ghosted strange person by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these. Then family of home builder called Hùng ( Ba Hùng ) have been re-built old house with new address number 406a Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 16, quarter 1, Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam but its construction site have been changed and it have been placed on old beton tube which have been   lied below underground and underwater since 2006, new house with 406a is beside small coffee shop of women 8x on 2018 which have been empty land area of an man 8x called Trọng Sang with white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who is brother of an man called Trọng Danh and son of an old man 4x called Lựu. His family have been haven old gas station ( Thế Giới Di Động shop for Laptop, smartphones and accessories at five-ways intersection of Phạm Văn Đồng street, Nguyễn Thái Sơn street, Nguyễn Kiệm street, Hoàng Minh Giám street and Bạch Đằng street and new house for a young man 10x ( Thằng Pro ) with chinese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body who have been lived inside small alley 231 on Bùi Hữu Nghĩa street, near Bùi Hữu Nghĩa, Bình Thạnh district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam. What's wrong for this ?

On 3/2018 i have been haven my real strange dream which i can remember it again while i have been sleeped overnight and waked up on 3:00 am at a long park chair behind Đồng Xanh Hotpot restaurant on Trường Sa street, Nhiêu Lộc canal, ward 2, Phú Nhuận district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam that i have been seen holy spirit with sunlight body without face like as ghosts in ghosts movies , this holy spirit have been called Allah God by Muslims on some strange moutain in Arab Saudi nation and have been used sunlight wand like as magic wand in " The Lord of The Rings " Hollywood movie, then it have been shot into some strange smoked creature without head but with 4 smoked foots from out of universe space and in this year young gay man called Hùng with chinese skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from Bình Thạnh district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam who have been shot by some young police woman 8x at my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biện Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam while some strange person have been ghosted some strange person called Viễn by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these and he have been called a phone calling with some strange person that " Nó bắn lộn chết Kiệt là con ông Sữu rồi ! " when i have been standed beside him and his motorbike with Airblade type of Honda trademark at Trường Sa street which behind Đồng Xanh Hotpot restaurant, ward 2, Phú Nhuận district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam but my name is not Viễn who have been ghosted a prisoner called Thằng Tù Bị Bắt Làm Hàng Vét in Vietnamese language called by him.

+ On 3/2020 I have been felt that i am some devil child have been seen large spacecraft with sphere type ( some UFO type had so many windows ) and then some strange young woman's voice have been screamed with words such as " Nó lấy đi rồi đen ơi ! " while i have been slept on afternoon on 11:00 am and waken up 2:00 am same day at bustop near acrossroads of Phạm Văn Đồng street and Phan Văn Trị street on Phạm Văn Đồng street, ward 3, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam.

+ On 9/2020 I have been dropped déjavu state on 1:00 am on long wood chair at No.2 Children Hospital's bustop near acrossroads of Hai Bà Trưng street and Lý Tự Trọng street on Hai Bà Trưng street, Bến Nghé ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and i have been seen strange child with sunlight white skin, handsome round face, dog eyes, wear white T-shirt, thin dwarf body about 1 metre who have been stant beside me and it have been used sunlight wand so that shot into strange persons and it can run as fly on streets with light speed about 300,000 kilometres per second who strange persons  have been so scared

+ On 3/10/2920  I have been felt that i am one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these whicb have been surfed on flying rug overcross the overpass for passengers of Ung Bướu's Hospital, base no.1 at 3 Nơ Trang Long street, Bình Thạnh district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at some long stone chair near old military barracks of 115 Military Hospital on Phạm Ngũ Lão street, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 16/10/2020 I have been felt that i am some holy spirit like as little grey inside my body since i am just a child who have been flied in the sky on Phạm Ngũ street, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and it have been seen some strange smoked creature with 4 strange smoked big foots and legs without its head unclearly while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at long stone chair beside hair cut salon, near No.7 Military Zone Funeral Home on Phạm Ngũ Lão street, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 14/11/2020 I have been felt that i am strange smoked creature with 4 strange strange smoked big foots and legs without its head unclearly and it have been seen Ancient Gods of Ancient Japan time who have been flied in the sky of some strange world while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at No.2 Children Hospital's bustop near intersection of Hai Bà Trưng street and Lý Tự Trọng street, Bến Nghé ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 26/11/2020 I have been felt that i am some strange person who is young special police man with his full weapon and accessories and he have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these while HCMC special police forces with about 150 strange persons who have been shot into one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these or some strange smoked creature with 4 smoked legs without its head unclearly at some abandoned haunted villa  called Nhà Vàng with address number 8 inside Đại Quang Minh complex zone on Mai Chí Thọ street, old district 2 ( new Thủ Đức city to now ) which have been destroyed by HCMC special police forces and Civil Defenses while i have been sleeped overnight and waked up on 3:00 am at No.2 Children Hospital 's bustop near intersection of Hai Bà Trưng street and Lý Tự Trọng street, Bến Nghé ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 12/2020 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been lived at house of a prisoner called khmer Tiến 8x with address number 357/1D Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Aparrments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and he have been seen some man 7x called faked Sơn with chinese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes by strange persons who have been catched up on some UFO on 2:00 am because he have been captured this UFO via his 7 inches tablet with white colored skin who have been stant beside 7 seats car with gray colored skin, flat license number 59G-XXXXX of an chinese man with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children from Lái Thiêu ward, Thuận An commune, Bình Dương province, Việt Nam but chinese man's family have been lived at house with address number 561/3 Điện Biện Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam i am not strange person like as strange persons now who always talk via ghost language like as a young girl 9x with chinese white skin, beautiful face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes called Kim Dung who have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these. I never own any shadow animals in ghost world or invisible worlds which my real human spices world can not capture via any security camera anymore while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at No.2 Children Hospital 's bustop near acrossroads of Hai Bà Trưng street and Lý Tự Trọng street on Hai Bà Trưng street, Bến Nghé ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 23/8/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person who is some old woman 4x called Trang who have been become the US Marine military captain and she have been called a phone calling with someone on aircraft landing area at US Marine Base Camp on Guam island, near Philippine nation, Pacific Ocean area while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at bustop on Lý Tự Trọng street, Đa Kao ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam which opposite some barracks of HCMC military controlled forces under managed by Viet Nam People's Army forces under Viet Nam Socialism Repblic regime after 0:30 pm, 30/4/1975

+ On 27/8/2021 i have been dropped déjavu state on 1:00 am at bustop on Pasteur street, old wald 6 ( new Võ Thị Sáu ward since 2016 to now ), district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam that opposite some restaurant and some barrack for Military Technical Academy of Viet Nam People's Army Forces under Viet Nam Socialism Republic regime after 0:30 pm, 30/4/1975 where have been given 0₫ charity meals such as meats breads, meats meals for Covid-19 disease isolation areas in Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam since begin of Covid-19 disease isolation campaign on 23/8/2021 and i have been seen crystal-transparent giant dinosaur egg with high dimension about 2 meters and wide dimension about 1 meter which have been eaten black devil with ancient black skin, so thin ugly face, so tall thin body about 2 metres from hell world of invisible worlds that strange persons can see by their devil eyes.

+ On 25/9/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been stant inside some small hangar and i have been seen little grey who have been used its right hand's finger so that touch on two points upon real eyes of this strange person while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at 11th room of Nhân Ái's private hospital, near Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đức commune and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam

+ On 8/10/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been sitten on some big sofa chair and i have been seen and heard screech of three human heads include a cạmbodian, chinese and ethnics on strange bottles on the sky with words such as " Nó chơi tao mà ! " ( 3 times ) in strange room while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at my inox bedroom inside 4th room for male gender of the Old psychiatric area for the Covid-19 disease isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đức commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune.about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam beside old iron bedroom of an old man 1966 named Trần Văn Thành with chinese white skin, handsome face, mustache, long chin beard, dragon tattoo on right shoulder, salted and peppered long hair, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco, a wife, a son who have been lived and pulled foods cart inside Bình Điền's wholesales market in district 8, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 13/11/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been walked into Ancient Egypt Museum simulated construction site in USA.while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at my inox bedroom inside 4th room for male gender of the Old psychiatric area for the Covid-19 disease isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đức commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune.about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam beside old iron bedroom of an old man 1966 named Trần Văn Thành with chinese white skin, handsome face, mustache, long chin beard, dragon tattoo on right shoulder, salted and peppered long hair, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco, a wife, a son who have been lived and pulled foods cart inside Bình Điền's wholesales market in district 8, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 18/11/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person who is some gay man have been talked with some strange person named Trần Văn Thế with white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes and this strange person have been a prisoner at some prison house in Malaysia nation same with his laugh voice via words such as " Thế ơi ! Tao thấy thế giới đa chiều rồi !  ha...ha...ha..." when this gay man have been seen strange streets across with togetger include so many vietnamese strange persons have been driven their motorcycles who have been missed or disappeared in time unclearly like as non-fiction movie with movie title named Alien Apocalypse  while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at my inox bedroom inside 4th room for male gender of the Old psychiatric area for the Covid-19 disease isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đức commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune.about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam beside old iron bedroom of an old man 1966 named Trần Văn Thành with chinese white skin, handsome face, mustache, long chin beard, dragon tattoo on right shoulder, salted and peppered long hair, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco, a wife, a son who have been lived and pulled foods cart inside Bình Điền's wholesales market in district 8, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 20/11/2021 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been walked down stairway inside strange Lab room in Google inc. of Alphabet corp., Silicon Valley, California state, USA while i have been sleeped overnight and waked up on 3:00 am at my inox bedroom inside 4th room of the Old psychiatric area for the Covid-19 disease isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đức commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune.about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam beside old iron bedroom of an old man 1966 named Trần Văn Thành with chinese white skin, handsome face, mustache, long chin beard, dragon tattoo on right shoulder, salted and peppered long hair, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco, a wife, a son who have been lived and pulled foods cart inside Bình Điền's wholesales market in district 8, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 15/9/2022 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am below stairway at Sun God temple in some Ancient Athens city of Ancient time. while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at my bed place on cement ground which taller than about 0,5 meter walkway between bed places, beside bed place of a man 1973 called Hải Suka by strange persons and he have been killed some strange person called Mì Quảng inside some abandoned haunted house on TL 22 street, nest 16, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 to now ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam inside 6th room for Male Labor Area of old military barracks under Viet Nam Republic regime before 1975 in Southern Vietnam war and this male labor area located inside Chánh Phú Hoà's Social Protection Center, inside rubber forest of Bình Dương Cemetery Park with distance with Nguyễn Văn Thành street about 2 kilometres, quarter 1, Bến Cát town, Bình Dương province, Việt Nam

+ On 15/10/2022 I have been felt that i am some strange person who is an old man 4x called Thịnh with the Central Highlands ethnics black skin, ugly round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and he is husband of an old woman 4x called Lan with the central highlands ethnics skin, so thin ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been lived Chánh Phú Hoà's Social Protection Center, inside rubber forest of Bình Dương Cemetery Park with distance with Nguyễn Văn Thành street about 2 kilometres, quarter 1, Bến Cát town, Bình Dương province, Việt Nam  He have been self-talked with some old white and black colored image frame in Viet Nam war time with words such as " Sáu Dân, mày quên hết những năm tháng kháng chiến chống Pháp, chống Mỹ rồi à ! Sao mày cứ vậy hoài vậy " when he have been talked to an old man 3x named Võ Văn Kiệt ( called Sáu Dân at home ) with Vietnamese white skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes. a wife, sons who have been named for Võ Văn Kiệt street, district 7, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam by Vietnam government in my real Viet Nam motherland  on 5:00 pm while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 20/11/2022 I have been felt that i am some strange persin have been stant and cut hair for some strange person below Nguyễn Thái Sơn overpass for trucks, cars and motorcycles at intersection of Phạm Văn Đồng street, Nguyễn Thái Sơn street, Nguyễn Oanh street, Nguyễn Kiệm street, Hoàng Minh Giám street, Bạch Đằng street on Nguyễn Thái Sơn street, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam on 5:00 pm while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 30/11/2022 I have been felt that i am some strange person who is old man 3x from World War 1 have been watched some image like as Noah giant ship on Earth Apocalypse in Ancient Time about 8,000 BC but it is similar like as giant submarine without neutron electrical power and he have been self-talked with words such as " Chúng ra đã mất Mũi Tên Gãy tại Nhật Bản ! Chúng ta phải đi lấy lại chúng ! " inside some dark room while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 1/10/2023 i have been felt that i am some strange person who is some sexy old woman and she have been seen nobody except her on townhouse series of alley no.561 Điện Biên Phủ street, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and she also have been seen Lot K of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings which have been destroyed and lied on Lot L of this Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 12/11/2023 I have been felt that some strange person have been talked with some man 6x from Quảng Ngãi province, Việt Nam with the Middle Regions Vietnamese skin, ugly big face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been driven his motorbike with Japan Dream of Honda brand to Hương Từ Bi's Free Vegeterian cooked rice's shop at address number 482/12/4 Lê Quang Định street, ward 11, Bình Thạnh district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam for free vegetarian cooked rice's boxes and he have been lived at some house on Bà Lê Chân street, Tân Định ward, district 1, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam before he have been talked with his man inside this house, near outdoor same with his angry via words such as " Nhà của tao, tao bán ! " on 5:00 am while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 1/1/2024 I have been felt that some strange person who is one of two two US Navy Army soldiers on USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Landing include a young girl with chinese white skin, beautiful face, wear nearsighted glasses, thin tall body and a young man with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been drunk coffee cup at Roma Coffee shop near acrossroads of Điện Biện Phủ street and Hai Bà Trưng street on Điện Biên Phủ street, ward 7, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Vietnam. This USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Landing have been visited Đà Nẳng's deep water sea port on 28/06/2023 and she have been sitten on her bedroom inside Lab room on some seaport and she have been seen a some large ship on the this seaport on 5:00 am while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 15/1/2024 I have been felt that i am US Navy Army Forces commander chef on US Aircraft Carried Landing of No.7 US Navy Army Forces have been left out his commander room and US Army Airforce colonel named Nguyễn Văn Thành with chinese skin, ugly face, mustache, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children who have been raised his right hand beside his head with US Army Airforce Keppi hat so that he can salute his army commander inside Commander's Office of the US Navy Army Airforces in Guam island, near Philippine nation, Pacific Ocean area on 5:00 am while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 15/2/2024 I have been felt that i am some strange person called Tín about 54 years old on 2015 ( Construction material shop with Phú Long 2 trademark, and real estate company limited with Đất An trademark with address number 406 a Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 16, quarter 1, Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam  on 6/2017 ) with Khmer skin, handsome big face, thin dwarf body about 1,6 meters, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son 10x named Sơn who have been some ward police lieutenant man near cultural park named Phú Lâm and Western Region Buslines station, district 6, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and he have been stant sold garden vegetarian packs with some man beside his self-designed cart who have been asked him with words such as " Tín ! lấy cái bao đi Tín ! " on 5:00 am while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 26/2/2024 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been used foots for step by step down some stairway inside some tower in Japan nation and i have been seen giant egg through giant glass wall of this tower on 5:00 am which have been crashed down sea area of this nation and this impact event have been created big explosive for its destroying same with some city of this nation while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 27/2/2024 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been walked on some beach on 5:00 am while i have been slept overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 15/6/2024 i have been felt that i am some strange person who is some young girl 10x with ancient chinese white skin, so thin round face, wear nearsighted glasses, thin dwarf body and she have been seen ancient chinese ghost houses and strange giant gate which have been haven so many young girls like as her and chinese man 8x with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cgarettes who have been introduced thing via strange ancient chinese A4  paper before she have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these while i have been slept overnight and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 18/7/2024 I have been felt that i am soldier of US Army Special Forces and i have been sitten and kept special military radio in my right hand on special armored military motorcycle while a special armored military heavy truck same with two special armored military vehicles for soldiers of US special forces have been moved inside underground warehouse, then we have been moved inside a dark underground tube before we have been leave out from underground military base and we have been moved on street, near Groom Lake, inside Area 51, Nevada state, USA while i have been slept overnight and waked up on 3:00 am at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 23/7/2024 I have been felt that i am some young actor have been kept my shovel with short wooden handle like as military shovel with short wooden handle on my right hand and i have been fight with two actors ( young man 9x with chinese white skin, handsome big face, ancient long white hair, thin tall body about 1,7 metres, smoke cigarettes and chinese man 9x with chinese skin, ugly round face, bad right eye, wear big bluetooth earphone on his right ear, fat dwart body about 1,5 metres, smoke cigarettes and they have been woren clothers for chinese ancient films same with weapons on their two hands include hoe and shovel with long wooden handle inside some abandoned haunted classroom of some ghost school in some commune, some town, some nation in other space dimension of multi-dimension world like as some gay man with vietnamese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco who have been lived at 3rd room for male gender, managed by 3rd room chief is vietnamese man with the Northern Viet Nam region white skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children who have been ghosted some Cha Giang by strange persons inside old psychiatric area for Covid-19 pademic isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đưc commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune.about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam and this gay man have been ghosted young man 9x named Trần Văn Thế with vietnamese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes and this young man 9x have been haven sister with vietnamese white skin, beautiful face, thin tall body who have been become police captain in Ha Noi capital under Viet Nam Socialism Republic regime after 12:30 pm, 30/4/1975, then this gay man have been talked via words such as " anh về trước nha ! thuốc lá của anh cho cả phòng số 4 hết nha Minh Thông ! " with some young man 9x called Minh Thông by strange persons with vietnamese white skin, handsome round face, so fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco who have been ghosted some cow with two legs did not named Kiệt from Trà Vinh province, Việt Nam with cambodian black, ugly big face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been become student of No.4 Industrial College ( new HCMC Industrial University since 2016 to now ) on Nguyễn Văn Bảo street, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam and he have been rent his bed place at room for rent's townhouse on Lương Ngọc Quyến street, ward 3, Gò Vấp district, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam, then he have been eaten free charity vegetarian cooked rice meals at townhouse with two floors only with address number 482/12/4 Lê Quang Định street, ward 11, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam since 12/2014 until 6/2020 family of young cambodian man have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these and young man 9x have been haven restaurant which have been supported free charity meals for Covid-19 pademic isolation zones and military hospitals in Covid-19 virues clean up campaign since 23/8/2021 until 2/9/2021 at A area with K+ Cable Television of 4th room for male gender inside old psychiatric area for Covid-19 pademic isolation of this center  before this gay man have been leave out from this center on 9:00 am, 15/11/2021 while i have been sleepped overnight and waken up on 3:00 am at my inox bed beside lower iron bed of an old man 1966 named Trần Văn Thành with chinese white skin, handsome face, long mustache, chin, salted and peppered hair, draggon tattoo on his right shoulder, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes and pipe tobacco, a wife, a son who have been haven foods pulled cart inside Bình Điền's Wholesales market, district 8, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam at B area of 4th room for male gender inside old psychiatric area for Covid-19 pademic isolation of Bình Đức Social Protection center, Thuận Đưc commune, near Nhân Ái's private hospital and Thác Mơ's hydroelectric dam, Bình Đức commune about 2 kilometres, near Bà Rá mountain with 770 metres altitude about 5 kilometres, Phước Long commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, near Cambodia - Vietnam border with distance 12 kilometers from here, Việt Nam same day before this gay man disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 16/11/2021 but i have been felt that i am these three actors because one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these which it have been catched them into other space dimension before i have been waken up on 3:30 am but i having flu in my body and i have been slepr continously for my next strange dreams until 7:00 am same day

+ On 3:00 am,1/9/2024 i have been felt that i am some strange person who have been walked on small street with wide dimension about 4 metres belongs to small high gate with dirty tole roof ghost townhouses and he also have been seen chinese man 7x with chinese skin, handsome face, so thin tall body about 1,8 metres, smoke cigarettes who have been called a phone with someone with words such as " Kiệt đó vô nhà thằng giàu " before he have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 5:pm yesterday while i have been slept overnight and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

On 3:00 am,1/9/2024 i have been felt that i am some strange person who have been walked on small street with wide dimension about 4 metres belongs to small high gate with dirty tole roof ghost townhouses and he also have been seen chinese man 7x with chinese skin, handsome face, so thin tall body about 1,8 metres, smoke cigarettes who have been called a phone with someone with words such as " Kiệt đó vô nhà thằng giàu " before he have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 5:pm yesterday while i have been slept overnight and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 2:30 pm, 2/9/2024 I have been felt that i am some strange person have been driven electrical scooter with Yamaha tradmark and one vehicle only which have been controlled via foots of some strange person on small curved stone road with green colored wild plants around it, inside a giant abandoned haunted villa rather like as White House of US president times at Washington D.C. capital before some strange person have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 7:00 am while i have been slept and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 3:30 am, 4/9/2024 i have been felt that i am some strange person who is American man with American black skin, handsome round face, normal thin tall body, smoke cigarettes have been woren clothes with Dark Blue colored T-shirt and blue colored Jeans who have been kept faked money pack inside jeans behind his back and he have been walked to in front of some police young man and this man 8x have been sitten and kept in his hands a real money pack about 200,000 ₫ Viet Nam Dong per real money paper in this pack on some street, then this police man have been asked American man with words such as " muốn đổi tiền bao nhiêu ? " and this American man have been answered with words such as " khoảng mười mấy triệu đồng " before he have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 9:00 pm while i have been slept overnight and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

+ On 3:30 am, 5/9/2024 i haven been felt that i am some strange person have been stant out of some room with anti-crashed glass material and he have been stant to seen into this room which have been haven 5 persons include 3 women and 2 men who have been sitten and worked in front of 5 PCs and other PC accessories before some strange person have been disappeared or eaten by one of 5 shapelessbodies which covering or lying on my body and other normal persons or animals for strange persons but normal persons and animals always not see these on 11:00 pm while i have been slept overnight and waken up at front room of my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) on second floor of my own house with my real permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest 47, 4th cultural quarter, alley 561 of Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Hồ Chí Minh city, Việt Nam

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