I have been joined wedding meals of my real young brother-in-law named Phạm Văn Đức ( 1976 ) with The Northern Thailand Socolate colored skin, handsome round face, mustache, fat tall body, smoke
cigarettes ( he is rather like as some police colonel called Thức inside the photo frame on the wall at ground floor in my own house at my permanent address number 561/1 Điện Biên Phủ street, nest
47, cultural quarter 4, alley 561 of Nguyễn Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam with my first real young
step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ) at Kỳ Hoá 2 restaurant on Cao Thắng street, ward 12, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on 2010 and his
family have been carried my first real young step-sister to his house at address number 758 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu street, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam where have been placed Động Lực's
Football products limited company ( i guess that it have been become Động Lực Sport Group now !? ) of retired director with chinese skin, thin ugly
face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, my real young brother-in-law named Phạm Văn Đức beside Lan Phương's Wedding Clothes and Accessories shop with address number 760 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
street, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. This wedding have been haven a man named real Sơn with chinese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from Tân Kiểng ward,
near Phú Mỹ Hưng zone, district 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam ( i guess that police lieutenant colonel named real Huỳnh Văn Sơn who is deputy police chief of ward 1 police headquarter and he have been
haven motocycle with license number 51T1-4101, 110cc xyland, lime colored skin, which have been provided hy police lieutenant colone 1962 named Trần Văn Hiếu in Tân Kiểng ward, district 7, Ho Chi
Minh city, Vietnam who have been lived in Bình Đức's Social Protection Center, Bình Đức commune, Bù Gia Mập town, Bình Phước province, Vietnam!? ) who have been made death of a police captain named Hùng with chinese skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children by shapelessbodies on 2009 who is brother of a prisoner ( police ) at old Chí Hoà prison house on Hoà Hưng
street, ward 12, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam while a man 8x called Tý ( not related with Tí's family ) with chinese ekin, thin ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from some location in old district 2 ( new Thủ Đức city now ) who have been related with man-in-made cigarettes
saler called Vũ with man-in-made procuded machine ( facebook id is thuoc vu ) and a gay man 8x called Hùng with chinese skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from Bình Thạnh district
who have been shot by a police man 8x called Nhật with chinese skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, children on 2018 at Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. This Tý haven knocked
noodles cart beside gate of sone factory with address number 400/7 Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 20, quarter 3B ( quarter 1 since 2016 to now ) and he have been killed father of this police family ( i
guess that police colonel named Trần Văn Minh 4x is police chief of ward 1 police headquarter !? ), a wife with the Highlands Ethnics black skin, beautiful round face, fat dwarf body, three childs
but a young woman called Thu from Đồng Nai province, Vietnam with chinese white skin, white face, eyes with 1 eyelip only, thin tall body, a son, a husband is robbers hunted police captain called
Hùng with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a young brother-in-law called Kiệt Dog who have been lived at some house inside small alley on Nguyễn Thông street, ward 9,
district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been pushed father of police sublieutenant named Tín from district 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam with the
Highlands Ethnicd black skin, handsome face, thin tall body about 1,6 metres, smoke cigarettes down into a deep well behind Ngôi Sao Nhí's preschool on Hà Huy Giáp street, nest 20, quarter 3B (
quarter 1 since 2016 to now ), Thạnh Lộc ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam where a man 8x named real Dương Văn Kiệt with khmer socolate colored skin, handsome round face, so fat tall body,
smoke cigarettes, like drink drinks with Red Bull trademark of Thailand have been accessed into mystery location behind this preschool. This Fat Kiệt have been known how to make self-burned person heads.
My real young brother-in-law have been a son about 3 years old on 2013 named Phạm Bùi Đức An ( called Sam at home ) before Mad Kiệt 8x with chinese skin, thin ugly
face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, drug addiction with Sacombank ATM who have been made death for my real young brother-in-law's family, then Mad Kiệt have been catched by Thạnh Xuân ward polices and he have been sent drug addiction treatment center of Thạnh Xuân ward before
this center have been moved at some location in Nhị Bình conmune, Hóc Môn town, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. This Mad Kiệt 8x's family have been lived at some location below Bà The Gate, Tô Ngọc
Vân street, Thạnh Xuân ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Mother of this Mad Kiệt 8x have been haven knocked noodles cart near Ba Thôn Gate on Tô Ngọc Vân street, Thạnh Xuân ward,
district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam and his father have been become meth saler. I guess that Mad Kiệt 8x have been related with my real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/19+7 ) on
1992 through Find Out Friends's title ( Tìm Bạn Bốn Phương in vietnamese language ) on Mực Tím newspaper or Áo Trắng newspaper ( it have been become Mực Tím
Online of Tuổi Trẻ Oniine now ) and their handwritten letters have been sent by HCMC post office on Nguyễn Du street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam which i have been made this.
However Fat Nhật 8x's family from Ba Tri town, Bến Tre province, Vietnam who have been made death for his family on 2015 before this man's family have been made death for so many families
until 2018, then his family have been eaten by shapelessbodies before a young man 10x called Cambodia Dwarf Man have been made death for so many
families because its face is rather like as my ghost face on my old ID hard plastic card with 9 digits number 022772623 made on 14/10/2014 by district 3 polices under managed by district 3 police
colonel named Trần Văn Minh with the Highlands Ethincs black skin, ugly round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, sons at some location on Nguyễn Thượng Hiền street, ward 4, district
3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam but my old ID hard plastic card which have been cut a corner of my ID hard plastic card for trashing with 9 digits number 022772623 made by district 3 polices on
14/10/2000 at same upon location or mirror face inside normal mirror is rather like as face of a robbed man 9x called Hùng with thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife called Mad Thu 9x of Pro
Bắc family have been eaten by shapelessbodies on 2018 who have been haven face and body like as my first real young step-sister named Bùi Anh Thư ( 17/10/1977 ).
The end, two houses on Nguyễn Đình Chiểu street, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which have been stolen by Thanh Bình's Wedding clothes and Accessories shop before they have been
eaten by shapelessbodies on 10/2021 by Small Black Minh
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