My real external step-grandmother ( 1921 ) named Lê Nữ Hiệp with the Southern vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body who have been haven real daughter named Lê Thanh Giang ( 12/02/1950 ) and real adopted daughter named Lê Thị Thanh Nhung. Then my real external step-grandmother have been awarded the family with meritorious service to the revolution by the Prime Minister of Vietnam Socialism Republic Government on 1980 before my real external step-grandfather named Đỗ Đình Quế with chinese white skin, handsome round face, so fat tall body, smoke cigarettes ( 1920 ) have been changed my real step-mother named Lê Thanh Giang into Đỗ Thanh Giang ( 12/02/1950 ) on 1984 because my real external step-grandfather have been joined the police force of Internal Affairs' ministry with T4 alias during the resistance war against French colonialism and American imperialism since 1945-1975
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