My Second Apartment At 112 Lot A, Nguyen Thien Thuat's Apartments Buildings, Ward 1, District 3, HCMC, Vietnam Since 1983 - 1989

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On 1983 Small Black Minh with the Highlands ethnics black colored socolate skin, handsome face, thin dwarf body, smoke cigarettes who have been escaped from old Chí Hoà prison house on Hoà Hưng street, ward 12, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam  same with my real father named Bùi Văn Sữu or Bùi Anh Kiệt with the Northern Vietnamese skin, handsome face, thin tall body, small white belly, white foots, smoke cigarettes who have been become a pharmacist of 3/2 Pharmateutical Factory which opposite HCMC Economic University of HCMC Nation Universities and beside Khăn Quàng Đỏ and Mực Tím's newspaper's official quarter, my real have been haven real wife named Trịnh Thiên Duyên ( 16/10/1956 ) with Huế inner's city white skin, beautiful round face, fat tall body but my real mother died on 16/04/1975 when i am just born at my richest villa of real external grandfather named Trịnh Quang Chước with chinese skin, ugly round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes on Hồng Thập Tự street, Tân Sơn Hoà developed commune, Sài Gòn capital, Vietnam Republic regime ( Cách Mạng Tháng Tám street, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam ) based on his real ID card ( 02/02/1949 ) of Vietnam Republic regime under Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's president time and his prisoners on some pickup truck from Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings to beach of Cà Mau province, Vietnam so that all will pick some boat or ship which have been evacuated to US for seeking political asylum. Some boat or ship will send them to political asylum camp in Phuket island of orchid's the Kingdom Thailand but they have been failure for this, so they have been catched back by Vietnam People's army forces under Vietnam Socialism Republic regime after 30/04/1975. Then my first faked father named Bùi Văn Sữu with chinese skin, thin ugly face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes but he have been stopped smoke cigarettes since 1993 who have been sold apartment 112 Lot A, Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam for old couple 4x before this old couple have been leave out from Vietnam to USA since 2003 based on electricity bill notice valueable paper about electricity bill notice at door.

My first faked family have been live temporality at old apartment number 209 Lot D, Nguyễn Thiện Thuật's Apartments Buildings by neighbor aunt named Hồng with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body who have been lived at neighbor apartment number 207 Lot D and she have been bought apartment number 209 Lot D by my real father because real owner of this apartment named Lê Nữ Hiệp ( 1920 ) with The Southern vietnamese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body who have been died on 1981, this owner have been my external step-grandmother since 29/04/1975 to 1981, she have been become helper of Vietnam Southern Democratic Republic Party under managed by Vietnam National Liberation Front  in Vietnam war at The Southern Region in Vietnam war same with T4 inner police named Đỗ Đình Quế with The Northern Vietnamese white skin, ugly round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been my real external step-grandfather since 1988, my real external step-mother have been hidden and protected Vietnam People's Army Forces' General Major of Vietnam Southern Democratic Republic Party under managed by Vietnam National Liberation Front named Phan Trung Kiên with chinese white skin, round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, wife and children in vietnam war since 1963-1967

On January. 1, Lunar New Year 2021 a old woman have been kept motorcycles of The Youth Volunteer Public Service Company for HCMC Post Office on Hai Bà Trưng street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been called him via Thằng Già Sữu Tắt Thuốc in vietnamese language who have been eaten by whapelessbodies on January, 1, Lunar New Year 2021 at some location on An Nhon street, Gò Vấp district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

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