This is a tole roof house with ground floor only of Ti 1950's family ( without second floor now ) include Huê aunt 5x with chinese skin, beautiful round face, so fat tall body, Ti 1950 with chinese
skin, ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife named Ngọc 7x with chinese skin, beautiful face, thin dwarf body who is VHF video tapes rental owner of house that opposite tole roof house
of Ti 1950's family, sister of Ngọc named Thắm 7x with chinese skin, beautiful round face, fat tall body, sister of Thắm named Nhiên 6x with chinese skin, beautiful round face, fat tall body, husband
of Thăm, old husband of Nhiên named Dũng 6x with chinese skin, ugly thin, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who is a drug addict and saler, so Nhiên have been divorced him, then she have been
married new husband 6x with chinese skin, handsome face, mustache, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, disability in his feet from district 8, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been run a manual
wheelchair before he have been run three-wheeled motorbike on 1985. Ti 1950's family have been made tamarind jam for domestic sale and export from 1980 until 1985.
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