I have been used bicycle of a young gay man 9x named Khái Bùi Văn with vietnamese sea skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes from Nam Can town, Ca Mau province, Vietnam who have been
eaten by shapelessbodies on 2016 and i have been driven it to gone Cathothics Papers Packaging company near Tan Thoi Hiep market on Le Duc Tho street,
district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on 6/2008 when i have been lived and kept destroyed house since 5/2017 by home builder named Hùng 7x in
vietnamese language with Central Highlands ethnics red colored skin, handsome round face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son about 17 years old on 2017 who have been lived some house
behind some house of gay man 7x with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body, smoke cigarettes inside small alley near top head TL 22 street, nest 16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, district 12,
Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, this house of a old man 4x with handsome ethnics face, white hair, ethnics hands, white fat
belly, white foots, fat dwarf body, smoke cigarettes with Batos Trademark who is self-declared Sữu Bùi Văn from USA to Vietnam with unofficial address number
406 Ha Huy Giap street, nest 16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam ( called Thăng Già in vietnamese language by detector
named Nhựt Phạm Minh 11 years old with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body, smoke iced drugs from Thanh Xuan ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam or Thằng Già Phía Sau by Nh@^.t
H@`o 9x with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin dwarf body, smoke cigarettes from Thanh Xuan ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam but Kiet Nguyen facebook ID ( pro Kiet 9x ) have been
confused Sữu Bùi Văn, these mans have been Loạn Thành Chiến 2D RTS game of IGG com same with pro Hùng 8x with Cambodian skin, normal face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife named Trang of Ung
Buou hospital, base no.1, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been haven sons ) but old man 4x is not a pharmacist like as my real father
( The Northern Vietnamese called Bố in vietnamese language ), my real father had small belly, smoke cigarettes but he have been disappeared or missed or died in old Chi Hoa prison house on Hoa Hung
street, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
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