I have been gone same with my faked father, faked stepmother, real young stepsisters and a pharmacist who have been bought medicine produced machine from my first faked father ( a pharmacist of
Pharmedic Medicine and Pharmacy Joint Stock company on Nguyen Trai street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam ) to his house at some location in Nha Trang city, Vietnam from apartment number 112,
1st floor, lot A, Nguyen Thien Thuat's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on 1983 when i have been lived at here since 1983 until 1986 with my first
faked father named Suu Bui Van (02/02/1949) with chinese skin, thin ugly face, big belly, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a faked stepwife named Giang Do Thanh
(12/02/1950) with vietnamese white skin, beautiful face, fat dwarf body, my real young stepsister named Thư Bùi Anh (17/10/1977) with vietnamese white skin, beautiful face, thin dwarf body and my
real young stepsister named Thy Bùi Anh (23/09/1982) with vietnamese white skin, beautiful round face, fat dwarf body
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