Chanh Phu Hoa's Social Protection Center, Quarter 1, Ben Cat Town, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam 6/6/2022-3/10/2022

I was officially vaccinated with the first vaccine that Binh Duc social protection center previously mistakenly belonged to the family of a forest ranger colonel who received 2 vaccine shots between January 1 and July, his family have been lived with 1 Cambodian dwarf family with an unusually long watermelon-like head, little flat short body before disappeared or missed unclearly by shaplessbodies on 7/2021 at my owner's house at address 561/1 Dien Bien Phu street, nest 47, quarter 4 of alley 4, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
I was officially vaccinated with the first vaccine that Binh Duc social protection center previously mistakenly belonged to the family of a forest ranger colonel who received 2 vaccine shots between January 1 and July, his family have been lived with 1 Cambodian dwarf family with an unusually long watermelon-like head, little flat short body before disappeared or missed unclearly by shaplessbodies on 7/2021 at my owner's house at address 561/1 Dien Bien Phu street, nest 47, quarter 4 of alley 4, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
I continously live out of street at Bustops on Hai Ba Trung street, Tan Dinh ward and Ben Nghe ward, district 1 since 24/11/2022 to 6/6/2022 at all bustops and i always go to Circle K's 24h convenience stores on Le Thanh Ton street, district 1, on Bui Thi Xuan street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam while local war collisions at Ukraine, AFF cup ongoing at Cambodia nation before polices of Ben Thanh ward sent me back again at Social Protection center of Ho Chi Minh city on No Trang Long street which removed signs of this because they confused Mr. Chen Wencheng ( Thanh Tran Van in Vietnamese language )( Thanh Gia ) borned on 1966 with handsome face, long hair and beard that has been salted and peppered like a character in the movie Thien Long Bat Bo before his hair cutted short, chinese skin, flat tall body, a dragon tattoo on right shoulder, he have been lived homeless at district 6, he have been pulled a cart at Binh Dien wholesale market in District 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, he have been a wife, a son, he also mised or disappeared from the human world at the ghost houses which I never know to now, he have been beside me at 4th room, Geriatric psychiatric area which become COVID-19 quarantine area of Binh Duc's Social protection center, Binh Duc commune, Bu Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province near Ba Ra mountain with altitude 770 m and he know how to pipe smoking and cigarettes but i never smoke anything with vietnamese city skin, handsome face, thin tall body before army druck sent me to Chanh Phu Hoa's social protection center of Ho Chi Minh city, quarter 1, Ben Cat town, inside rubber forest near Binh Duong's cemetery park on Nguyen Van Thanh street, Ben Cat town, Binh Duong province, i guess that faked polices catched me mistakenly because Big faked Duc police's colonel with mustache on white handsome face, flat short body confused a man named Binh at address 760 Thanh Binh wedding shop who stolen house of my young brother-in-law of northern Thai descent named Duc Pham Van with mustache on ethnical handsome face, flat short body, he is not big Duc police's colonel, he have been lived beside Lan Phuong wedding shop which located at address 758 Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

Crazy guys and doctors at Social Protection center of Ho Chi Minh city ( it maybe closed in the past ) have been confused me like as chinese men who have been infected Covid-19 virus and they self-determind that all faked Kiet Bui Anh even foreigners with only one face on social networks who killed by somebody, died as hack some account, disappearedmissed as shapelessbodies of TL 22 street, Thanh Loc ward, district 12, Ba Chieu market zone, old district 2 ( Thu Duc city ) at all wards, districts, town, provinces, cities.

On 02/10/2023 i come back my own house with canteen salary about 1,000,000₫ and 6,500,000₫ same with iTel 3G ram 1gb, rom 8gb, using Android 8.1 Go, Oreo Edition, 3G data sim digits 0345973017 which bought at a Viettel's shop on Tran Hung Dao A street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam but they bought called sim digits of Minh Do Thu who have been registed a Shopee account or somebody sent and drawed 1,000,000₫ on some Circle K shop because he/she/it confused that i killed and stolen called sim digits of Minh Do Thu, i never know and related any body on Social Networks since first social network called Facebook since 2010

I have been come back my own house truly at real address 561/1 Dien Bien Phu street, nest 47, quarter 4 of alley 561, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, so a chinese man is some motorbycle's driver with chinese skin, thin short face, thin tall body on alley 561 who called somebody so that this person earn or find out faked Kiet Bui Anh with only one face for him ( while i always have so many ghost faces as selfie or captured by any security camera )

Then he have been sent faked person into some ghost house to shapelessbodies eat faked person with purpose unclearly which i never know any more to now.

He have been stolen iPhone smartphone of LGBT man at junction corner of alley 357 on Nguyen Thien Thuat street, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who is IT man of Circle K's 24h convenience store on Lu Gia street, near Lu Gia apartments buildings, district 11, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, other is on Pham Van Hai street, Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, other is on Cao Thang street, ward 12, district 10 and ward 4, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

If some body access into any ghosts house who know Chinese language or live in Chinatowns in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces, he/she/it always know that all are ghosted all the time.

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