Two trucks of Vietnam Socialism Republic army have been carried 54 persons with red license plates of the army headed towards DT 741 to the Binh Duc's social protection center, Binh Duc commune, Bu
Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam included me on August, 28, 2021 because the polices at Ho Chi Minh city have been confused me with a drug addict or prisoners of Chi Hoa's
house on Hoa Hung street, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who are ethnical persons of Central Highlands origin but security cameras only captured my ghost faces which never like as any
prisoner, drug addict, dumb, deaf, disabled, blind or foreigner since 1975 while policemen have been given my bagua fishing net for a drug addict with smoke
cigarettes from Cu Chi town at Thanh Da buildings, Binh Thanh district which I have been bought in Linh Kiện Lâm Music shop inside alley 606,
district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, this shop buying goods at the Mong Cai border gate and it bringing back to Ho Chi Minh City to sell.
Many persons of Social Protection center at Ho Chi Minh City and faked persons at Nguyen Thien Thuat's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam since
end of the year 2015 who have been confused me mistakenly with a some drug seller or young brother of the dwarf ethnics man named Hung dwarf with
Central Highlands ethnics red color skin, pitted eyes, fat ugly face, thin dwarf body, smoke cigarettes, wife, a son about 5 years old. This dwarf ethnics family have been related with Thanh
Xuan ward police colonel, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin tall body,
smoke pipe tobacco who have been lived at his own house with address number 482/88 Le Quang Dinh street, ward 11, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh city before Ngan Chau Anh family have been
stolen his own house. This dwarf ethnics family have been fished Nhieu Loc canal and canals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The dwarf ethnics family have been lived at Thanh
Da's Drug Rehabilitation Center, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
On 02/09/2021 National Day of Vietnam Socialist Republic country, i have been eaten, sleeped, COVID-19 testing same with 53 others but i have never vaccinated with China's Vero Cell
vaccine because doctors at Bu Gia Map medical center have been confused me with a ranger captain with chinese skin, ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son from Central
Highlands province, Vietnam when they have been accessed into abandoned haunted house on TL 22 street, nest 16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, Ho Chi
minh city, Vietnam and they have been meet this ranger captain same with kids with watermelon heads in this, he and this strange kids have been gotten 2 shots of the US Pfister
vaccine on 6/ 2021 at my own house at address number 561/1 Dien Bien Phu street, nest 47, quarter 4, alley 561 of ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh
city, Vietnam while i have been lived and sleeped like as homeless since 5/2017 until 28/08/2021, a some man have been haven 1 shots of China's Vero Cell vaccine who borned on
01/01/1975, he died because he have been faked me, so doctors at Bu Gia Map medical center have been written his date of birth for me mistakenly, i never know him any more to now.
I have been lost all everything same my real families since 16/04/1975, even real prisoner and a drugs addict named old Ti 7x same his family at Railway housing,
ward 1 of Nguyen Thien Thuat Apartments Buildings, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have never known me befofe 1977 until 2006.
I have been known clearly since 1986 when my ghost face have been captured from film washing camera at some
location behind district 3 police headquarter on Nguyen Thuong Hien street, ward 4, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam for my first old ID card with 9 digits number 022772623 like
as some man with chinese skin, thin ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been stolen my exit valuable paper which i can settlement in the USA at alley 561 with abandoned wood houses on 4/1975. My ghost face on second old ID card have been captured on 14/10/2000 from film washing camera at some
location behind district 3 police headquarter on Nguyen Thuong Hien street, ward 4, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam like as a robber named Hung with chinse skin, fat face, thin
tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been lived at some location inside Nguyen Thien Tnuat's Apartments Buildings, ward 1, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. My ghost face on third old ID card
have been captured on 12/10/2014 at some location behind District 3 police headquarter on Nguyen Thuong Hien street, ward 4, district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam like as a cambodia man
named Hung pro or cambodia dwarf young man with cambodia or khmer skin, handsome face, thin tall or dwarf body, smoke cigarettes, a wife or girlfriend, children or not who have been
lived at khmer pagoda on Tran Quoc Thao street, below Le Van Sy gate, ward 9, district 3 or Cambodia market on Le Hong Phong street, district 10 or khmer pagoda on Lac Long Quan
street, Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been accessed into abandoned haunted house on TL 22
street, nest 16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. My ghost face on new ID card with citizen electrical chip on card have been
captured on 22/11/2021 like as a man 7x with Central Highlands ethnics skin, ugly face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son named Nghĩa who have been catched and sent by
policemen to Binh Duong's Youth Drug Rehabilitation Center near Dong Hoa Social Protection center. I have been lived same with his father at 9th room, COVID-19
isolation and treatment area of the Intensive Care and Tuberculosis Department, his family have been sold their own house in Binh Duong so their family have been become
homeless but i have been gone to Linh Kien Lam Music inside alley 606 on 3/2 street, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam which i have been bought a smartphone's charging cord with jack 3.5 mm
and power outlet 1.5 A for my iTel 3G Android 8.1 1gb ram, 8 gb rom from iTel trademark of Hong Kong smart products co ltd before i have been
made my new ID card with citizen electrical chip include 12 digits number 079075027340 on 23/11/2022 but i only get my new ID card which have been noted on 22/11/2022 below signature
of Huệ Tô Văn in Vietnamese language from my old ID card via plastic include 9 digits number 022772623, i have never made ID card without citizen electrical chip include 12 digits number at some location behind district 3 police headquarter on Nguyen Thuong Hien street, ward 4, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam or a some
temporary location of district 3 police headquarter on Le Van Sy street, ward 9, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on 2018 while new district 3 police headquarter having been
build because district 3 police forces have been confused me with khmer man 7x with khmer skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a girlfriend at khmer pagoda below Le
Van Sy gate on Tran Quoc Thao street, near district 3 general hospital, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Chairman of district 3 redcross organization have been related with this
khmer man. This chairman have been haven vegeterian cooked rice shop with 2,000₫ Vietnam Dong price/plate below Le Van Sy gate on Hoang Sa street, Nhieu Loc canal, district 3, Ho Chi
Minh city, Vietnam on 2010 and this chairman have been become chairman of Binh Duc's Social Protection center. I have been seen this chairman on Thanh Cong buslines when i have been
come back Eastern Region bustops station, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam from Chanh Phu Hoa's Social Protection center, quarter 1, inside rubber forest, Binh Duong Cemetery parks near
Nguyen Van Thanh sreet, Ben Cat town, binh Duong province, Vietnam same with a young man 1993 named Tuan Nguyen Thanh with vietnamese white skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke
cigarettes and pipe tobacco from Bac Giang province, Vietnam who have been seen me like as some korean person at Samsung's largest semiconductor component factory in Bac
Giang province, Vietnam on 3/10/2022. I guess that Tuan Nguyen Thanh 1993 have been accessed into abandoned haunted house on TL 22 street, nest
16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, district 12, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, so he also have been eaten by shapelessbodies.after he have been
accessed into this by some old man 4x at Eastern Region bustops station on Xo Viet Nghe Tinh street, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been drived and sent him
on a motorbike, then he have been stolen or pick up some money over 1,000,000₫ Vietnam Dong on deaths of strange persons who have been named strange
names from this.
My old accressories include Samsung's power bank with 20,000 mah capacity, phone and smartphone charging cords and power oulets which i have been bought
on 6/2021 and they have been stolen 15/11/2021 by some man 7x with smoke cigarettes, a wife, children from Cam Giang commune, Cu Chi town, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam at 5th
room, COVID-19 isolation area in geriatric psychiatric area of Binh Duc's Social Protection center, Binh Duc commune, Bu Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province, Vietnam under managed
by employees of Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. This 7x man have been sent 5,500,000₫ Vietnam Dong
before Thành Trần Văn ( Mr. Chen Wencheng
or Thành Già in vietnamese language ) borned on 1966 with chinese white skin, handsome
face, long salted and peppered hair, long mustache, long chin, dragon tattoo on right shoulder, fat tall
body, smoke pipe tobacco and cigarettes Bastos trademark who is like âs a character in film series named Thien Long Bat
Bo, his long salted and peppered hair have been cutted short by a gay young man 9x at 4th room, COVID-19 isolation area in geriatric psychiatric area of Binh Duc's Social Protection center, Binh Duc commune, Bu Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province,
Vietnam, he have been lived and pulled a foods cart at
Binh Dien wholesale market in District 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, he have been a wife, a son who only have been stolen 2,500,000₫ of a
some man 7x with smoke cigarettes, a wife, children from Cam Giang commune, Cu Chi town, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam at 5th room on 15/11/2021 who have been catched by policemen at some
location in Cu Chi town for a woman at Quarantine area for women so that she can buy cigarettes for herselves and her friends at here.
Some gay man 7x have been related old Ti's family inside small alley on Ton Dan street, district 4, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been
related with a some man 7x from Cam Giang commune, Cu Chi town, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam and he have been confused this man 7x from Cam Giang commune, Cu Chi town, Ho Chi
Minh city, Vietnam named Kiet Bui Anh, so he have been given my Samsung's power bank with 20,000 mah with capacity for this man 7x while he have been confused me like as a
some man with smoke cigarettes who have been catched by policemen on 3/2021, i guess that he have been accessed into abandoned haunted house on TL 22 street, nest 16, quarter 3B, Thanh Loc ward, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. A man 1974 named Dân
Nguyễn Quốc in vietnamese language with khmer skin, fat ugly face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes, a wife, a son 9x from Tra Vinh province but his family have been lived
near Phu Lam park, district 6, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam who have been given my white football nail shoes for a some gay young man 9x
named Kiet with chinese white skin at 3th room, COVID-19 isolation area in geriatric psychiatric area of Binh Duc's Social Protection
center, Binh Duc commune, Bu Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province, Vietnam for men mistakenly, so shapelessbodies have been eaten these similar like as his son who have been learned at industry 4 college ( Industry Unniversity of Ho Chi Minh
city under Lotte group profits, Korea ) on Nguyen Van Bao street, near Go Vap market, Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. His son have been lived a some house on Luong
Ngoc Quyen street near Hang Ngoai gate, Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. I have been seen his son at Huong Tu Bi's free Vegeterian Cooked Rice shop with address
number 482/12/8 Le Quang Dinh street, ward 11, Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on 3/2014 with his son's mini tablet 7
inch on hands, his son is a student of Industry 4 college of Ho Chi Minh city ( Industry Unviversity of Ho Chi Minh city now ).
I have been lived at here since 2/9/2021 until to 6/9/2021 at 1st room with a chairman of 1st room named Hung đập, since 1/10/2021 until to 30/10/2021 at 5th room with a
chairman of 5th room named Van Thai and since 1/11/2021 until to 22/11/2021 at 4th room with a chairman of 4th room named Dwarf Hưng for Covid-19 isolation quarantine, this
chairman have been haven Vegeterian Cooked Rice shop with 2,000₫ Vietnam Dong price/plate below Le Van Sy gate, near Khmer pagoda since 2010, he have been become a chairman of
District 3 Redcross Organization. He have been confused me or my ghost face with a khmer man 9x with khmer skin, handsome face, thin tall body, smoke cigarettes who have been
lived in Khmer pagoda near Le Van Sy gate, ward 9, district 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam or Cambodia men, women at Cambodia market on Le Hong Phong street, district 10, Ho Chi
Minh city, Vietnam.
I have been eaten first lunch on 22/11/2022 at 3rd room which a man named dwarf Sơn 9x with white skin, handsome face, fat dwarf body, smoke
cigarettes who have been worked at the editorial office of the Ho Chi Minh City Police Newspaper on Nguyen Du street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, he have been lived
at Geriatric psychiatric area of Binh Duc's social protection center, Binh Duc commune, Bu Gia Map town, Binh Phuoc province near 5 years ago before i have been come back Ho
Chi Minh city on Phuoc Long parachute car with 25 seats with persons who have been sent up here.
Notes that : from 23/08/2021 to 02/09/2021 in a campaign to stamp out the Covid-19
epidemic of Ho Chi Minh City and the Government, 2 army trucks have been carring 54 persons for each day in campaign
i have been wear short-sleeved T-shirt same with sports long elastic pants which i have been get out of Nguyen Van Luong street, ward 4, Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam on
22/11/2022 same with 6,500,000₫ and smartphone iTel 3G ram 1gb, rom 8gb using Android 8.1 Go os Oreo Edition of Hongkong ltd. before i have been registed Citizen ID with
12-digit chip on 23/11/2021 with my ghost face like as a old man 4x at Dong Hoa's Social Protection center with ethnics skin, handsome face, fat tall body, smoke cigarettes, a
wife, a son 9x - a drugs addict at Binh Duong's Youth Drug Detoxification center - named Nghĩa
who have been sold his house for him at Dong Hoa town, Binh Duong province, Vietnam, my Card ID with chip have been made at Ward 1 Police Headquarters at Junction
corner of Nguyen Dinh Chieu street and Ly Thai To street which is made by District 3 polices with white skins, handsome fat faces, fat thin bodies who related with a 8x man
with similar their skin, face and body but he is dwarf body who have been haven a wife named Trang with white skin, ugly thin face, thin tall body from Phu Yen province, a son
about 5 years old and he is smoke cigarettes, he have been lived Tan Phu district, Ho Chi Minh city, he also have been learned and graduated Open University of Ho Chi Minh
city, Civil Engineering faculty similar like as me but i am not still graduate, i never smoke anything and i have been become distance learning student for this faculty since 2000 to now..
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